I have had a really nice day today!! I wanted to put it down so that I could remember it someday when I move away from Savannah!!
This morning I walked over to my friend Tootsie's home. We had a cup of coffee then took off for downtown Savannah!! I have always loved going down there!! It just holds so much history and so when I go I always think how fortunate I am to live in this special place. Someday I am going to really miss this great old city!!
We found a parking place at a parking deck. This is the hardest thing when going down town...Parking!! We started walking and going into the little shops on Broughton Street. We had reservatons at the Savannah Tea Room for 11:30 so had some time to walk around and just look. Some of those shops are so very expensive...You need to be very rich just to buy one thing. We found a real nice store called Go Fish!! I thought I heard Christian music and sure enough it was a very nice Christian boutique!! They had some beautiful things but again I could only look.
We finally decided that we had better go to the Tea Room. It was so very HOT and I was really getting miserable in the heat. We went in and were seated right away. Tootsie had remembered her camera and mine was at home on the kitchen table!! I had forgotten it!! She had our waitress take a picture of the two of us!! I would post them but like I said, silly me forgot!!
We ordered. I got my routine tomato and brocolli quiche. Tootsie had a spinach salad which was really good. No hot tea this time...just too HOT for hot tea. I had a peach iced tea!! We ate and really enjoyed just sitting there and enjoying our fellowship and our food!! I have really enjoyed getting to know Tootsie. I will so hate leaving her someday once our home sells.
We finished up and decided to do some more walking and looking!! We stopped at a very small store and Tootsie found a really pretty purse for her daughter. I bought a bill fold!! I saw a black straw purse and I should have bought it but I didn't. I think I may make another trip tomorrow back there.
We finally were so HOT and miserable that we went back to the car and headed off down Abercorn to the movies. We went to the WynnSong Cinemas and bought tickets for "Grown Ups". Tootsie had to get her popcorn and two drinks. She always brings a plastic bag and after eating a bit she pours the popcorn in the plastic bag then runs back and gets another whole big bag of popcorn. I never can eat that much!! Tonight I am not having supper...I am still full from this day of eating!!
The movie was just great!! We laughed and laughed. Tootsie just loved it. So good to go to a movie where you can laugh again.
We next went to Burlington and exchanged a real pretty top that Tootsie had bought for me in Texas. It just did not fit right on my crazy mixed up body shape. I got a real nice top and think I will enjoy it.
We finally got home and I got into PJ's almost immediately!! I am tired and need to just veg tonight. Talked to Mike. He flies out of Bloomington/Normal tomorrow morning and gets into Jacksonville around 4:30. I have to work tomorrow evening so will get off about the time he gets home!!
I have enjoyed some alone time but it is time to go back to having my sweetheart here. He has had a great time being with the kids in Illinois. They have a beautiful home there and once our home sells here in Savannah we will be moving there also. Mike wanted to see the basement layout and see how he could design it for when we move there. He really needed to get away so this has been some good down time for him.
Hope all is good with all of my blogging friends. I am so behind anymore! No excuse!!
Thougth for the day: "If God put you in the wringer, then you are worth washing!!"